Data presented at FNM 2020 indicates Atmo Gas Capsule can be used to assess gut transit time
Preliminary results of a study comparing Atmo Biosciences’ novel ingestible gas-sensing capsule with a validated wireless motility capsule indicate that the Atmo capsule is a safe and promising tool to assess gut transit time.
Data from the Monash University comparative study, led by Professor Peter Gibson, was presented in a poster at the Meeting of the Federation of Neurogastroenterology & Motility (FNM 2020), held in Adelaide last week.
Forty people, including 22 healthy volunteers and 18 Irritable Bowel Syndrome sufferers, ingested the two capsules and investigators used the data to measure transit time through the different regions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Results showed transit times for the Atmo Gas Capsule were comparable to those of the validated capsule, indicating the Atmo capsule could potentially be used as a tool to assess motility and gut transit.
A validation study to refine current rules for identification of key gastrointestinal landmarks in a larger cohort is currently underway.